Whereas Old Klang Road
Jan 2020 - Feb 2020
Temu Tamu Timun
WHERAS OLD KLANG ROAD Cultural Archiving workshop is a second attempt, aiming to document living memory Old Klang Road Bt 4 ½ Market with series of creative archival.
Documentation process consist of two parts, Part 1 : Timelapse on the daily ordinary market lifestyle and Part 2: Documentation 12 Market Vendor & Trades in readable comic format. These documentations are to contribute to a generalize archive of current market scene in Malaysia.
Students are expose to community and cultural archiving, with collecting insight and interviewing market individual and community as part of larger context. While learning about community behaviour and lifestyle, these collective memory contributes to discussion of architectural conservation discourse. The knowledge of whole shall give student an insight of how built environment and architecture significantly affecting well-being of the local community.
Documentation of daily operation of market stalls as the list below:
[1] Fruit Seller
[2] Fish Monger
[3] Poultry Dealer
[4] Food Vendor
[5] Kopi Vendor
In a group of 3, student shall trace the entire process and movement of the chosen occupant, and through the detail of their operation and how do they occupied their given place and stall:
How do they arrange their goods?
What tools they use for their preparation?
What do they wear? Glove? Boots?
What is the process/movement of their preparation?
How do they interacts with customer?
How do they pack? Perception of their place? Texture of their stall?
Then the observation expands to their journey through the market:
How do they unload?
How do they move their goods?
Texture of the floor?
How does Pasar environment affects their operation and business?
Documentation losely record a full one-week span of observation and recording.
Framework . MyStarfish Foundation . Asia Roofing Industries Sdn Bhd . Decorus Furniture Sdn. Bhd. . Makelab UCSI . SABE UCSI
Collaboration Team
Ahmad Akif Aiman Bin Khairuddin . Al Taib Ali . Boon Siew Juan . Brendan Wong Pak Ming . Chan Jun Ming . Carlos Chu . Chang Chee Yoo . Chong Jun Jie . Christopher Phang Min Kiat . Edwin Seng . Eunice Tan Kai Yi . Elvira Ng Chien Wen . Fabian Shawn Tan . Huang Sing Yau . Hossam Tarek . John Tham . Lai Hui Ling . Lean Soong En . Lee Ying Yi . Lim Kai Xuan . Lam Jai Xiun . Lam Teck Kuen . Lee Mei Shin . Letisha Tham Shu Waye . Lim Jiang Wei . Maaz Saeed . Maybelle Mak Hui Ling . Michelle Vun yi ling . Mohd Danyal Bin Mohd Iqmal . Ong Wei Tjea . Pang Mun-Yee . Phang Khe che . Rechall Chong . See Thoo Jun Hoe . Sharon Yong . Shee Chean Xiang . Siaw Yong Shen . Soh Sun Long . Sylvester Gabriel . Sylvester Kwong Jin Hong . Tan Jia Qi . Tan Jia Xun . Tan Ling Qin . Tan Ming Tiek . Tan Wei Zhe . Tan Yong Quan . Tee Yi Qi . Thee Hock Wei . Thivyan A/L Rajendran . Ting Kai Lin . Vimal Suntharam . Wong Qin Yi