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Open Solution Workshop

Completed 2016

Lartrine Design

Design solutions from each group led to a finalize design by coreteam for pilot latrine build. With the finalize latrine model Epic Home then organised the building of 26 toilets and 21 Bathrooms with the Kg. Hulu Tamu Community year 2017.

Kampung Hulu Tamu is a semi-urban village located in Batang Kali, Hulu Selangor. It has an estimate of 40+ families with a 400-500 population. The locals are from the Temuan tribe and hold various religions identified as Aslis, Muslims and Christians. They have access and go through formal education from kindergarten to secondary schooling but also learn technical skills non-formally and are exposed to alternative methods of teachings such as oral history.

The main economic activity in the village includes collecting jungle resources and doing odd jobs (factory workers, waste management, gardener, selling jungle produce, cleaners). Most of the women are housewives.

When they are off their jungle resource collection period, they have various cultural and leisure activities such as keduri’s (rites of passage), weaving, bathing time, gardening, and planting.

"General latrine design requirements and considerations :  [1] localised architectural design  [2] localised detail construction  [3] engineered design for water, sanitation and hygiene systems"

Kickstart with overview understanding of project, experience shared by Epic specialist and team started with community engagement training and preparation.

Visitation and data collection of local resources, from inner village to surrounding hardware shop to further research on available materials selection.

Although there were sometimes language communication barriers, but co-design process pulled through with some aid from participatory materials.

Participatory / Co-Design
Making of conversation drawings & modelling
Familiarization of Local Resources
First Engagement
Design Ideation Workshop

Introduction with local liaison, visitation and first engagement with Hulu Tamu communities.

Tools and materials [readable drawings / models] creation to be used for co-design process.

Sticky note session first express and reflect on one and each other experiences. After analysing the learnings and data, team moved on to create latrine design brief and direction.


Epic Communities, UCSI School of Architecture and Build Environment Design Studio 3 Jan 2016

Project Detail


Project Type





EPIC Communities

Single / Communal Latrine

17 Students, 3 Facilitators, 3 Local Liaisons, 2 Project Coordinator

UCSI Students

UCSI Campus, Batang Kali & EPIC HQ

1st - 5th July 2016

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